Wisconsin PSC Opens Broadband Infrastructure Program Grant Round

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) announced the Broadband Infrastructure Program grant round is now open. Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the US Department of Treasury awarded Wisconsin $42 million through the Capital Projects Fund (CPF) to administer the Broadband Infrastructure Program and invest in broadband construction and deployment that will provide high-quality internet to locations that lack access to adequate, affordable service. Eligible entities for the competitive grant program include internet service providers, telecommunications utilities, co-operatives, local governments, and for-profit and non-profit organizations. The funding is available to construct broadband infrastructure projects to deploy reliable internet service that will meet or exceed 100/100 Mbps symmetrical speed internet service and include at least one low-cost option for work, education, and health monitoring. The deadline to apply is Tuesday November 7, 2023 at 1:30 pm. More information on the Capital Projects Fund can be found on the Capital Projects Broadband page on the PSC website.

PSC Opens Broadband Infrastructure Program Grant Round