Public Interest Groups to Congress: So-Called Reform Bills Would Compound Corporate Influence at the FCC

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Forty-five public interest groups sent a letter to the House Commerce Committee opposing two bills that would severely limit the Federal Communications Commission’s ability to promote competition, innovation and access to communications services. The two bills, under the guise of “reforming the FCC,” would put the very companies the FCC is tasked with regulating in control of the agency. The letter urges lawmakers to adopt more sensible reforms that would better protect consumers and promote economic development. The groups write: “These bills would severely hinder the FCC’s ability to carry out its congressional mandate to promote competition, innovation and the availability of communications services. We urge the Committee to cancel its proposed markup of these two bills as currently drafted, and consider more suitable reforms to the FCC that focus on protecting consumers and limiting the undue influence of corporate lobbyists.”

Public Interest Groups to Congress: So-Called Reform Bills Would Compound Corporate Influence at the FCC Free Press (read the letter)