Public Knowledge Joins Letter to UN Human Rights Council Requesting Privacy Agent

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Public Knowledge joined 91 civil society groups in a letter to the United Nations’ Human Rights Council requesting they establish a new Special Rapporteur focused on the right to privacy. This Special Rapporteur would investigate infringements upon the right to privacy as an independent agent, examining potential human rights violations on a global scale as part of a dedicated mandate. The Association of Progressive Communications delivered the letter. The letter was delivered during the current Human Rights Council session, which is meeting in Geneva from March 2-27. At this meeting, the HRC will consider several Internet-related issues and may decide to create this new Special Rapporteur position.

The creation of this new position is part of a series of actions that have been developing at the United Nations in response to the global public outrage over governmental surveillance of digital communications. The letter signatories believe that a dedicated mandate for a Special Rapporteur would help develop common understandings on the right to privacy, monitor and report on its implementation and provide authoritative guidance to both states and non-state actors, especially businesses, in an effort to strengthen privacy rights worldwide.

Public Knowledge Joins Letter to UN Human Rights Council Requesting Privacy Agent