Publishing System Helps Writers Determine Audience Interest

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InboundWriter wants to help big publishers and niche bloggers figure out how much demand there is for their idea in the Web ecosystem before they type a word or hit "publish."

At least that's the idea behind the newest version of the startup's software, which the company said will be used by Source Interlink Media brands including Motor Trend Magazine. The software has garnered interest from major television networks. The system considers the topic and the Web publication, and then scans the Web to see what has already been written about the topic and how well it has been "picked up"—whether it's been seen by thousands of readers via social media and search engines or only a scant few. It can also weigh how well the article is written for the Web and measures a few other factors such as if it's "evergreen" to ultimately determine if the post is worth the author's time.

Publishing System Helps Writers Determine Audience Interest