Putting the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights into Practice
Providing transparency in how consumer data is handled by mobile applications – this is the first topic for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s for the privacy multistakeholder process.
On July 12, NTIA will convene the first meeting for stakeholders to begin developing a code of conduct that applies the Transparency principle in the Consumer Bill of Rights to mobile apps. The NTIA proposed this as an initial topic because it is a privacy challenge that affects many consumers yet is discrete enough to be addressed in a reasonable period of time. Many of you agreed. The NTIA expects the stakeholder experience in developing a code of conduct on this topic will inform future efforts to develop codes that address other privacy issues. When codes of conduct are developed and implemented, consumers will have clearer protections and businesses will have greater certainty. And maintaining consumer trust in the Internet will help ensure that it remains an engine for American innovation and economic growth.
Putting the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights into Practice First Privacy Multistakeholder Meeting: July 12, 2012 (meeting announcement) Commerce Department to examine mobile privacy issues (The Hill) Mobile Apps Top Commerce Department's Privacy Agenda (National Journal)