Recommendations and Best Practices to Prevent Digital Discrimination and Promote Digital Equity

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The findings from the three Communications Equity and Diversity Council working groups offer guidance to states and localities seeking to prohibit “digital discrimination” in broadband deployment, adoption, and use, as well as in the contracting and grants processes for funds related to forthcoming broadband infrastructure. This is a starting point for further deliberations and actions that promote increased deployment, adoption, and use of high-speed broadband that not only make it easier for populations to engage in daily activities of remote work, learning, and health care, but also encourage affordable and widely deployed connectivity. The three combined draft reports and recommendations from each of the Working Groups present a series of critical and distinguishable next steps for the Federal Communications Commission to consider with findings largely extracted from structured interviews with subject matter experts and secondary research.

Recommendations and Best Practices to Prevent Digital Discrimination and Promote Digital Equity