Record broadband growth moves Canada well ahead of the U.S.

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Almost half of households (49%) in Canada are now connected to the Internet via high-speed broadband, as the U.S. lags significantly behind – only 34% of U.S. households have a high-speed Internet connection. Among the research highlights: 1) 63% of Canadian households are now on the Internet (49% broadband, 14% dial-up). In comparison, 57% of American households are on the Internet (34% broadband, 23% dial-up). 2) Cable firms are slightly ahead of telephone companies as the leading choice for broadband Internet in both Canada and the U.S. 3) The percentage of Canadian homes with broadband Internet grew rapidly between 2003 and 2005 – from 31% in 2003 to 40% in 2004 to the current level of 49% in 2005. 4) The number of broadband Internet homes in Canada now exceeds the number of digital TV homes (i.e., homes with digital cable or satellite TV), while the reverse is true in the U.S. 5) Internet activities that require high bandwidth are, not surprisingly, more popular in Canada, especially among younger age groups. 25% of Canadian Internet users in the 12-29 age group have downloaded a full-length movie or a 30- or 60-minute TV show off the Internet in the past, compared to 16% of American Internet users in the same age group.
[SOURCE: Cablecaster]

* Canadian broadband use outpaces U.S.