Remarks of Commissioner Rosenworcel at "Internet Freedom Now: The Future of Civil Rights Depends on Net Neutrality"

Even though our net neutrality policies are now legally viable and wildly popular, the leadership at the Commission wants to revisit Internet openness. It has started a proceeding that tears at the foundation of net neutrality. It has proposed cutting the rules we have and instead offering our broadband providers the power to favor sites, content, and ideas; the power to discriminate with our traffic; and the power to become censors and gatekeepers for all that is online. If you want an example, look no further than what happened during the last 14 days with the #MeToo movement. By last week the #MeToo movement was everywhere. It reached 85 countries and resulted in postings, commentary, investigations—and real change. This is the civil rights promise of our new digital square. Rolling back net neutrality will curb that square. It will provide our broadband providers with the power to decide what voices we amplify, which sites we visit, what connections we make, and what communities we create. We can’t let that happen.

Remarks of Commissioner Rosenworcel at "Internet Freedom Now: The Future of Civil Rights Depends on Net Neutrality"