Remarks Of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai To The Free State Foundation

It would certainly make sense for me to use today’s platform to detail all the ways that we have cleared out the Federal Communications Commission’s regulatory underbrush since I spoke to Free State one month before taking this position. But I’d like to go in a less obvious direction. Instead, I’d like to lay out my theory for good governance and how the reforms we’ve made since January 2017 have fundamentally transformed the agency’s operations for the better. Along the way, I’ve picked up a few lessons about what I believe to be the keys to effective governance.

The first is transparency. The second major pillar of good governance that we’ve established is the embrace of economics and data analysis. The third and most important pillar of good governance has been maximizing the effectiveness of the FCC’s greatest asset—its people. If you follow anything I’ve said over the past four years on this subject, you know that I love the FCC’s staff. Thanks to these key reforms, I would like to think I’m leaving the agency better off than when I arrived. 

Remarks Of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai To The Free State Foundation