Remarks of FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee Kickoff

Whether you are discussing how to address the thorny issues of access to poles, ducts, or conduit, I ask that you think about the impact your decisions will have on consumers. And when you are debating franchising model codes, I ask you to think about the impact the contours of that code will have on consumers in the franchise area. In particular, I ask that you keep the following three points in mind:
First, never overlook the effects of your policy recommendations on ensuring low-income communities are not relegated to a second-class broadband future.
Second, make sure that the broadband services you recommend for deployment, are affordable.
Third, remember that one person’s regulatory barrier, is another’s vital consumer protection, and that one person’s intransigent municipality, is another’s carefullyconsidered protector of local interests.

Remarks of FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee Kickoff