Rep Blackburn slams Free Press 'collusion' with FCC Commissioner Copps on network neutrality
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released e-mails between Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Michael Copps and his aides and members of Free Press.
The media reform group offered to help draft an editorial by Commissioner Copps to place in a newspaper. The correspondence also shows that Copps's office declined the help with drafting, but accepted the help with placing the article.
“As you can see from even a cursory glance at these e-mails, there is nothing unusual or controversial in what Judicial Watch 'uncovered.' They found us — shockingly — filing ex partes about meetings we had, recommending our allies to testify at public hearings, urging the public to attend those hearings and sending a daily headline service to anyone who signs up," Free Press President Craig Aaron said, arguing that the e-mails reflect the ordinary activities of advocates.
But Rep Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) strongly condemned what she described as "collusion" and called for further scrutiny of Free Press by the House. "I am deeply disturbed by the revelations of collusion between the FCC and Free Press on the net-neutrality issue. The FCC has moved against the will of the people, the wisdom of Congress and the order of the courts, to nationalize our most productive marketplace," Rep Blackburn said.
Rep Blackburn slams Free Press 'collusion' with FCC Commissioner Copps on network neutrality House Republicans Continue To Question Collaboration On Net Neutrality Rules (National Journal) Blackburn: House Should Look Into Judicial Watch Charges of Net Neutrality 'Collusion' (B&C)