Rep. Blackburn urging GOP to reject Internet regulations

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Rep Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is urging House Commerce ranking member Joe Barton (R-TX) and other member of her party to reject a network neutrality bill under development by House Democrats.

Voters are attuned to the issue, she said, and supporting the bill could have political costs. "Constituents are clear about this: they do not want the federal government being the arbiter of the next generation of the pipeline," she said. "They don't want the federal government assigning priority and value to content. This is the wrong step at the wrong time." The bill, which has a 2012 sunset in its draft version, "kicks the can down the road" on telecommunications issues without resolving them, she said. "They're pushing to do it because they feel like time is running out, so they are trying to make a deal," she said. She anticipated that more Republicans will criticize the bill as they become familiar with the pending legislation, which is anticipated this week.

Rep. Blackburn urging GOP to reject Internet regulations