Rep Boucher: D-Block Reallocation Would Count As Loss Revenues

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House Communications Subcommittee Chairman Rick Boucher (D-VA) said that if Congress passes legislation reallocating a controversial chunk of spectrum for use by public safety officials for a nationwide interoperable broadband communications network, it would count as a loss of as much as $3 billion in revenues to the federal government.

Chairman Boucher has crafted draft legislation that would implement the FCC's plan and authorize additional funding to make up for any shortfalls in proceeds from the D-block auction. He and some FCC officials argue that the FCC's plan is the most realistic way to ensure that an interoperable public safety network is built. Boucher said he is concerned about finding the funding to build the network without the proceeds from a D-block auction. "My view is it should be auctioned," Boucher said. "It is the most efficient way to move forward." He added, "If you simply give it to public safety you will need to account for that gift." Boucher said proceeds from a D-block auction are counted in the federal budget and have been scored by the Congressional Budget Office as being worth between $2 billion and $3 billion.

Rep Boucher: D-Block Reallocation Would Count As Loss Revenues