Rep Conyers concerned about delays in LightSquared approval

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Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) urged Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski to move forward with his agency's review of controversial wireless start-up LightSquared.

"I write to express concern about delays in the approval process involving LightSquared's proposed 4G-LTE wireless broadband network," Rep Conyers wrote in a letter sent Feb 8. "I strongly urge the Commission to move with urgency to fully test potential solutions to the LightSquared-GPS interference issue employing transparent, fact-based methodologies, common-sense standards and independent testing facilities." Rep Conyers argued that LightSquared would expand wireless broadband access and increase competition in the wireless industry. "The U.S. wireless sector is in need of increased competition," Conyers wrote, noting that there are only four national carriers, with AT&T and Verizon controlling about 60 percent of the market. "Millions of Americans, especially in rural areas, lack even a single adequate wireless broadband option, with little hope on the horizon unless new providers enter the market," he wrote.

Rep Conyers concerned about delays in LightSquared approval