Rep Cramer open to releasing his internet browsing history

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Rep Kevin Cramer (R-ND) says he’s willing to release his internet browsing history. Rep Cramer, who voted in favor of repealing an Obama-era rule that would have prevented service providers from selling customers' information without their permission, told a North Dakota radio show that he'd be willing to release his own browsing history. "Oh, of course. Yes, absolutely. No problem," Rep Cramer said in response to a question. Rep Cramer did not clarify if he would be willing to release his data in a way that would make it identifiable to him, or if he would be willing to release it anonymously, akin to how many internet companies like Facebook and Google sell user data to advertisers. Cramer said that the information internet service providers would gain from consumers is “not worth a lot of commercial value," anyway.

Rep Cramer open to releasing his internet browsing history