Rep Matsui Appointed Vice Chair of House Communications Subcommittee

Rep Doris Matsui (D-CA) has been appointed Vice Chair of the House Communications Subcommittee. “In this capacity, I plan to continue my focus promoting policies to achieve 5G and beyond and spur innovation in the US economy,” Rep Matsui said. 

Rep Matsui has been a leader on communications and technology policy, including as Co-Chair of the Congressional High Tech Caucus and Co-Chair of the Congressional Spectrum Caucus. She has authored multiple provisions of law that have facilitated spectrum auctions, including the record breaking AWS-3 auction, and focused on commercializing federally-held spectrum for wireless use.  She plans to continue to prioritize her work on various spectrum policy initiatives and on the next generation of broadband networks, such as 5G. Rep Matsui is also a leader on preserving network neutrality principles and policies. She will also focus on responsibly promoting innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain.

Matsui Appointed Vice Chair of Telecom and Tech Panel