Rep Waxman: Network neutrality amendment is 'poison' that could kill spectrum bill

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Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) warned that a controversial anti-network-neutrality amendment from Republicans could sink a popular spectrum bill that both parties are fighting to get into law.

The amendment from Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) would restrict the Federal Communications Commission's ability to impose network neutrality conditions on wireless companies that purchase spectrum leases at auction. The FCC adopted network neutrality rules last year that prohibit Internet providers from slowing down or blocking access to legitimate websites. Democrats say the rules protect consumers and promote competition, but Republicans say they are an unnecessary burden on businesses and amount to government control of the Internet. Rep Waxman said Republicans had agreed during negotiations over the spectrum bill to drop the network neutrality provision to attract Democratic support. Waxman warned that adding Blackburn's amendment could derail the legislation, calling it "poison."

Rep Waxman: Network neutrality amendment is 'poison' that could kill spectrum bill