Reps Kinzinger and Loebsack Introduce the Bipartisan ‘Rural Spectrum Accessibility Act’

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Reps Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and Dave Loebsack (D-IA) introduced the Rural Spectrum Accessibility Act (HR 1814) to expand wireless coverage in rural communities. This bipartisan effort would provide incentives for wireless carriers to make unused spectrum available for rural use and for smaller carriers. “The future of economic development in Iowa and across the country depends, in large part, on access to the internet and mobility,” said Rep Loebsack. “I have met with many small businesses, farmers, and rural telecommunication companies who have stressed the importance of mobile internet access in rural areas. I am pleased to work with Rep Kinzinger to introduce this legislation that will increase access to wireless broadband to help boost economic development, education opportunities and job growth in rural.”

Reps Kinzinger and Loebsack Introduce the Bipartisan ‘Rural Spectrum Accessibility Act’