Reps Pallone, Schakowsky want to know how FTC could boost privacy & data security enforcement if it received more funding

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House Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Consumer Protection Subcommittee Chair Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) wrote to the Federal Trade Commission asking how it would use additional resources to protect consumer privacy and increase data security enforcement activity. The Committee leaders asked how the FTC would deploy resources under three different scenarios – if it received an additional $50, $75 or $100 million for consumer protection and privacy. Chairmen Pallone and Schakowsky requested responses from the FTC to a series of questions by April 3, 2019, including:

  • What resources would the FTC require to dramatically boost its enforcement activity with respect to privacy and data security?
  • If Congress were to direct the FTC to hire technologists to aid in case development, enforcement, rulemaking and/or policy recommendations, what resources would the FTC need to fulfill its consumer protection mission, and how would the agency deploy those new resources? 
  • If the FTC received notice-and-comment rulemaking authority with respect to privacy and data security, would the FTC require additional resources to develop and update new rules without detracting from the agency’s enforcement activity? 
  • What would the FTC be able to accomplish with 100 new attorneys focused on privacy and data security that it cannot do with current resources?


Reps Pallone, Schakowsky want to know how FTC could boost privacy & data security enforcement if it received more funding Read the Letter Multichannel News