Republicans advance ban on Internet rate regulation

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Republicans advanced a bill meant to prevent the Federal Communications Commission from regulating the rates charged for Internet service. The House Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on communications passed the bill over objections from Democrats, who said it could have overly broad implications because “rate regulation” is not defined. The subcommittee rejected two Democratic amendments aimed at limiting the reach of the bill. Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) and other Republicans said negotiators seemed close to reaching an agreement before Democrats walked away at the last minute. Ranking Member Anna Eshoo (D-CA), however, said she was never offered a proposal that had a clear definition of rate regulation.

Republicans advance ban on Internet rate regulation Divided Subcommittee Passes Rate Reg-Blocking Bill (B&C) Public Knowledge Opposes Rate Regulation Bill that Undermines FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules (Public Knowledge) House Bill Undermining FCC Net Neutrality Rules Passes Key Subcommittee (Free Press)