Republicans Are Trying to Let Internet Providers Sell Your Data

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A set of internet privacy rules passed by the Federal Communications Commission has become a target for Republicans.

Though it’s received far less attention than healthcare or immigration, the rollback would affect millions of consumers and bring basic changes to how they use the internet—though they might not ever know it. Companies like Google and Facebook can learn an awful lot about you based on what you search for, what pages you “like,” and who your friends are. But your wireless company and in-home broadband provider could learn much more. Although Google uses encryption to protect your searches from prying eyes, these companies can potentially see what sites you actually end up visiting and when you visit them. Mobile carriers track your location and could keep tabs on how much time you spend using different apps. And they can sell that information to the highest bidder.

Now Sen Jeff Flake (R-AZ) plans to introduce a resolution to overturn the FCC rules, enabling internet providers and wireless companies to sell your data unless you explicitly opt out. “The FCC’s midnight regulation does nothing to protect consumer privacy,” Senator Flake said. “It is unnecessary, confusing and adds yet another innovation-stifling regulation to the internet.”

Republicans Are Trying to Let Internet Providers Sell Your Data