RNC chair: Clinton e-mail actions may be 'criminal'

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Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said that the decision of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to wipe many e-mails from her in-home server might be "criminal in nature." Priebus noted while appearing on Fox News's “Fox and Friends" that Clinton had deleted the e-mails in the midst of a congressional inquiry into the 2012 attacks on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya, and while the State Department was asking former secretaries to hand over some e-mails. “I mean this is intentional behavior, which in many cases, Steve, is criminal in nature,” Priebus said. “I mean, you cannot just destroy documents when an agency is telling you to turn them over.”

Clinton says that she handed over e-mails that had anything to do with government business and then deleted the rest. She has characterized the deleted e-mails as personal in nature -- ranging from communications about her ailing mother to messages about her daughter's wedding. "Even Nixon didn't destroy the tapes," Priebus said.

RNC chair: Clinton e-mail actions may be 'criminal'