Rolling back net neutrality will create another digital divide

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[Commentary] Net neutrality is founded on the core principle that everyone should have equal access to the internet, regardless of what content the individual chooses to consume. It is the only way we can ensure a level playing field for all citizens of this country. We have many sources of disparity we already reckon with regularly — income, education, race, health, gender, geographic location, and the list goes on. Why are we creating another one? Unencumbered access to the Internet is a necessity today for all manner of personal, economic and social transactions in our digitally connected society.

The Internet is all about freedom and openness and diversity and the multitude of important values these simple words embed. In management education we increasingly use the word “open” to characterize the nature of important business activities today like “alliances” and “innovation.” Let’s not create another walled garden that will limit our access to knowledge and services that our society so desperately needs. Let’s not create another digital divide.

[Ritu Agarwal is a professor, senior associate dean for research and the Robert H. Smith Dean’s Chair of Information Systems at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. ]

Rolling back net neutrality will create another digital divide