Romney in His Comfort Zone in Technology Speech

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Appearing at home in front of an audience of technology executives and workers, Mitt Romney extolled the virtues of innovation, limited regulation, and low taxes to spur the US economy. "You have to have regulators in government who see their job as encouraging innovation in the private sector, as opposed to killing all potential risk," he told about 900 people at the Northern Virginia Technology Council. The crowd, often polite and quiet, interrupted the speech to clap at that line. They also applauded his calls to "staple a green card" to the Ph.D.'s that foreign students earn in the United States, or even abroad at top universities. Romney's speech sketched the broad outline of the business climate he sees as necessary for the U.S. to prosper, including the importance of allowing people the freedom to take risks, with few proposals specific to the technology industry.

Romney in His Comfort Zone in Technology Speech