Roundtable Outcomes Report: A Look Ahead to Access and Regulation in the Not-Too-Distant Broadband Future

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In an era of increasing internet ubiquity, the ability to access and use online tools, services, and information is an essential aspect of everyday life. Many segments of society, however, remain underconnected and even excluded from the digital world. As technology evolves, the harms associated with the digital divide are compounding. To address this, Congress created the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, which presents a transformational opportunity for advancing broad digital inclusion in many areas within the United States. To better understand the future of broadband regulation after BEAD’s implementation, Colorado University Boulder’s Silicon Flatirons Center convened a roundtable discussion with experts from government, academia, public interest, and industry. Roundtable participants underscored that, to realize Congress’ ambitions for BEAD and diminish the digital divide, policymakers must support additional programs and initiatives alongside—and after—BEAD. After exploring the importance of maximizing BEAD’s funding and closing the digital divide, this report offers three findings:

  1. BEAD’s deployment programs alone are insufficient to solve digital inequity.
  2. Once broadband infrastructure is in place, additional upkeep costs for new networks will require resources dedicated to routine maintenance and cybersecurity services.
  3. Effectively closing the digital divide requires additional funding mechanisms beyond congressional appropriations.

Roundtable Outcomes Report: A Look Ahead to Access and Regulation in the Not-Too-Distant Broadband Future