Rural Service Provider Groups Oppose New Speed Tier Proposed for RDOF
At least two rural service provider groups have voiced opposition to the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to add a new 50/5 Mbps speed tier to the bidding categories for the proposed Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF). Both NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) argue that adding the new speed tier creates two speed tiers that are below the average broadband speed already experienced in urban areas. The FCC is scheduled to vote Jan 30 on whether to adopt the RDOF order. A draft of the RDOF order originally circulated within the FCC several months ago had three speed tiers, which would be used for a weighting system designed to favor bids to provide service at higher speeds. But when the FCC made a new draft public earlier in Jan, a fourth 50/5 Mbps speed tier had been added.
Rural Service Provider Groups Oppose New Speed Tier Proposed for RDOF