Rural Telecommunications Congress Members Release Report on 50 State Broadband Initiative Entities
April 10, 2014
Members of the Rural Telecommunications Congress released a comprehensive report on the state of the 50 State Broadband Initiative entities.
The report assembles data about the programs of the governmental and non-profit entities that have been engaged in broadband mapping and planning over the past five years. Among the questions that the report seeks to address, for each of the 50 states, are the following:
- [Is there an] ongoing State BB Leadership Org or Council to Coordinate with Rural BB Champions and Providers ?
- Is the State BB Map Identifying deficit areas per identified standard available for use by the public and Policy makers?
- Are State and Regional BB Plans created and being widely used?
- Is there a Separate State BB PPO for Financing, Bonding & Grants in Deficit areas?
- Are there State Funding Programs for Matching [dollars] and for Financing grants/loans to Political subs & Providers?
- Is Formal Coordination taking place with State PUC to reduce Regulatory barriers for providers?
- Is there adequate Collaboration W/ Rural political sub-divisions on ROW issues and for Aggregation of Demand for Providers?
- Is there Formal State Collaboration with Health & Education Institutions (USF LEA’s) to optimize Federal Communications Commission subsidies?
- Are there Sustainable Infrastructure Programs directed at Unserved and Underserved through a State USF fee?
- Is there frequent Legislative Collaboration for BB Policy Initiatives and Program Leadership Funding?
Rural Telecommunications Congress Members Release Report on 50 State Broadband Initiative Entities