Salon CEO to Take On News Job at Google
Richard Gingras, the chief executive of Salon Media Group, said he is leaving the online publisher to become global head of news products for Google.
His resignation is effective July 8, and he will start at Google July 11. In the meantime, Gingras said, he would work with its management to find a successor. "This was just an opportunity I couldn't turn down," said Gingras, who before joining Salon spent two years as a strategic adviser to Google's executive team. Gingras, 59 years old, has held the top post at Salon for the past two years. He had been spearheading talks to merge with or be acquired by a larger media company. The company abandoned those talks this spring in the wake of AOL Inc.'s $315 million acquisition of the Huffington Post, as the board began to question whether Salon could fetch more than it was being offered.
Salon CEO to Take On News Job at Google