San Francisco Officials Recommend Construction of Municipal Broadband Network

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City officials have recommended construction of a San Francisco municipal broadband network based on a public-private partnership. The recommendations came in a 103-page report issued by the office of Supervisor Mark Farrell on March 15. According to the San Francisco Municipal Fiber Advisory Panel’s report – ¨Financial Analysis of Options for a Municipal Fiber Optic Network for Citywide Internet Access – a publicly funded broadband utility network would cost the city an estimated $867.3 million in construction costs plus $231.7 million a year in maintenance costs.

Projected subscriber revenue would result in an annual deficit of $145 million. Given this, as well as the desire to build in some market competition, the authors recommended the city launch a public-private partnership model that calls for all San Francisco homes and businesses to pay an average $26 per month utility fee for baseline Internet access. Introducing tiered pricing models based on type of service or bandwidth use could offset operating costs and lower baseline fees.

San Francisco Officials Recommend Construction of Municipal Broadband Network Financial Analysis of Options for a Municipal Fiber Optic Network for Citywide Internet Access (read the recommendation)