The science behind why fake news is so hard to wipe out

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Recent and historical work in psychology shows mere exposure to fake news makes it spread. To understand why — and the extent to which false stories seep into our brains — we need to understand the psychology of the illusory truth effect. The more we hear a piece of information repeated, the more we’re likely to believe it. “Even things that people have reason not to believe, they believe them more” if the claims are repeated, Gord Pennycook, a psychologist who studies the spread of misinformation at Yale University, says. And recent research shows the illusory truth effect is in play when we hear or read fake news claims repeated, regardless of how ridiculous or illogical they sound. It’s research Google and Facebook must wrestle with as the world’s most powerful media organizations. When they do, it will be clear that it’s time for them to get serious about editing out falsehoods.

The science behind why fake news is so hard to wipe out