Sen Cruz continues net neutrality, ObamaCare analogy

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) repeated his comparison of the Federal Communications Commission's network neutrality proposal and ObamaCare.

During a Washington speech, Sen Cruz said the belief that the FCC will resist the urge to over-regulate the Internet after it approves new rules ignores every other instance of government regulation in other industries. "I promise you it is the nature of government regulators that if they have power, they will use it. One hundred percent of the time it will grow, the taxes will come," Sen Cruz said at the Reboot Congress conference. "Do not accept the promise of Washington politicians who are telling all of us ‘if you like your Internet, you can keep your Internet,’ " he added, echoing a common refrain of the healthcare law. "That promise cannot be trusted."

Sen Cruz continues net neutrality, ObamaCare analogy