Sen Kennedy asks FCC Chairman for updates on 5G

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Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai requesting that the chairman update him on any progress made on FCC auction plans and compensation proposals for satellite companies operating within the C-Band. At present, foreign satellite companies are operating within the C-Band, a part of the spectrum that the FCC is attempting to set aside for future 5G wireless use. Spectrum refers to electromagnetic waves that wireless devices use to deliver voice, text, video and other wireless communications. C-Band represents a portion of the spectrum that cable operators and broadcasters use for satellite reception of network programming. C-Band, however, is necessary for building a robust 5G network. The FCC recently considered allowing foreign satellite companies to sell the spectrum within the C-Band. Those private sales could have deprived the American taxpayers of information and revenue from such sales.… read the letter