Sen. Leahy will look at anti-piracy alternative

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Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) said he will consider the OPEN Act, an alternative to his anti-piracy bill, the Protect IP Act.

"We'll look at it," Chairman Leahy said. He added he plans to work with the bill's sponsor, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR). OPEN would authorize the U.S. International Trade Commission, rather than the Justice Department, to go after the foreign pirate sites. The bill focuses on a “follow the money” approach by aiming to cut off revenue to the websites instead of requiring other sites to delete links. Chairman Leahy said Congress must remain vigilant to ensure that new technologies do not erode rights to free speech or privacy. He added that it is possible to protect the right to property, including intellectual property, without hurting other rights.

Sen. Leahy will look at anti-piracy alternative