Sen Rand Paul Liberates the iPhone
[Commentary] Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) has fastened his presidential candidacy to restricting the US’s collection of telephone data about terrorist groups, such as Islamic State. His awkward geopolitical timing makes this a long shot.
On May 13 the House, including many self-described libertarian Republicans, voted 338-88 to pass what it calls the USA Freedom Act, which would stop the National Security Agency’s “bulk collection” of telephone records. The act removes telephone calling data from the National Security Agency’s servers and transfers custody to big phone carriers such as Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. If the NSA wanted to pursue a suspected terrorist’s phone traffic, it would have to ask a judge, and then the agency’s officials would interface with the telephone company about finding the data on their servers. Sen. Paul says even the arduous USA Freedom Act doesn’t do enough to limit the NSA. The NSA’s protective surveillance program is already an exercise in preserving liberty. What comes after it will not be. Allowing the worse alternative may be the only way the Congress we’ve got will relearn the difference.
Sen Rand Paul Liberates the iPhone