Senate Commerce Committee Re-organization
John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and Ranking Member Kay Bailey Hutchison announced today the new Commerce Subcommittees for the 111th Congress:
1) Communications and Technology Chair: Senator John Kerry, Ranking: Senator John Ensign.
2) Science and Space Chair: Senator Bill Nelson, Ranking: Senator David Vitter.
3) Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Promotion Chair: Senator Amy Klobuchar, Ranking: Senator Mel Martinez.
In addition the Committee adopted rules that will make it easier to issue subpoenas. Apparently, under the new rules, the chairman and the ranking member can make the decision together to issue a subpoena if they want to investigate something.
Senate Commerce Committee Re-organization Senate Commerce Committee Makes It Easier, Faster To Issue Subpoenas (Broadcasting&Cable) Kerry Named To Head New Communications & Tech Subcommittee (Broadcasting&Cable) Senate Commerce Chairman Rockefeller Announces New Committee Rules (Senate Commerce Committee)