Senate Democrats Have a Plan to Save Net Neutrality

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[Commentary] Senate Democrats are proposing to undo the FCC’s wrongheaded rule through a process set up by the Congressional Review Act. [O]ne more vote [is needed] to ensure the internet remains free and accessible to all. That vote must come from the ranks of the Republicans, who so far have sided with internet service providers, the only group that is clamoring to remove the important consumer protections enshrined in net neutrality. The contrast between the two parties on this issue couldn’t be clearer: Democrats are fighting for consumers and working people struggling to pay their bills, while Republicans are fighting for their campaign donors, the big corporations.

I urge every person who’s reading this to contact the Senate Republicans who have not yet pledged to vote for it. (This should be easy since that’s practically all of them, minus Senator Susan Collins (R-ME).) There are 58 legislative days left to #SavetheInternet. The clock is ticking. Make your voice heard.

Senate Democrats Have a Plan to Save Net Neutrality