Senate panel clears bill to allow cameras in Supreme Court

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The Senate Judiciary Committee approved bipartisan legislation requiring television cameras in the Supreme Court. The vote was 11-7, with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) siding with six Republicans in opposition.

The top Republican on the committee, Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), voted in favor along with Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX). The issue for years has been a priority for many lawmakers, but the high court's decision to hear challenges to the healthcare reform law's individual mandate and Medicaid expansion this spring has made the argument for broadcasting oral arguments and the justices' questions even more compelling. The bill however isn't expected to pass before the high court hears oral arguments over three days starting March 26; the House has yet to even schedule a markup, let alone a floor vote.

Senate panel clears bill to allow cameras in Supreme Court Senate Judiciary Passes Cameras in Supreme Court Bill (Broadcasting&Cable)