Senate panel drops controversial TV overhaul

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The Senate Commerce Committee seems to be abandoning its plans to overhaul the way that people buy broadcast TV channels like NBC and ABC. A committee spokesperson said that the panel’s “Local Choice” proposal likely won’t be included in its reauthorization of an otherwise uncontroversial satellite TV law.

“Because it is a big and bold idea, Local Choice deserves more discussion and a full consideration by policymakers, and the committee may not have time to include it as part of [the satellite law],” the spokesperson said.

"[The National Association of Broadcasters] is thankful for the consideration Senate Commerce Committee members gave the 'Local Choice' proposal and for recognizing the unintended negative consequences this measure would have had on localism, broadcasters and our millions of viewers," said NAB President Gordon Smith.

Senate panel drops controversial TV overhaul Broadcasters Celebrate Hill Choice To Pull Local Choice (B&C) ‘Local Choice’ Gone From Senate STAVRA Bill (TVNewsCheck)