Senators: Bloggers may not be true journalists

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[SOURCE: C-Net|, AUTHOR: Anne Broache]
Politicians indicated on Wednesday that a proposed law offering journalists special privileges might not be extended to Web loggers. "The relative anonymity afforded to bloggers, coupled with a lack of accountability, as they are not your typical brick-and-mortar reporters who answer to an editor or publisher, also has the risk of creating a certain irresponsibility when it comes to accurately reporting information," Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said in a statement prepared for a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on reporters' privilege legislation. The hearing came as politicians are weighing the Free Flow of Information Act. The current wording of the measure, proposed in identical form in the U.S. House of Representatives, offers protection of confidential sources for anyone who "publishes a newspaper, book, magazine, or other periodical in print or electronic word." The District of Columbia and every state except Wyoming already have some form of protection on their books.

Senators: Bloggers may not be true journalists