Sens Manchin and Cornyn Reintroduce the Eliminate the Digital Divide Act

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Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and John Cornyn (R-TX) reintroduced the bipartisan Eliminate the Digital Divide Act, to distribute $10 billion to states to build out broadband infrastructure in unserved areas. This legislation will also create a process to deliver funds directly to states based on their proportion of unserved areas and includes a $1 billion set-aside for high-cost areas like West Virginia. Previous programs to expand broadband access have worked as a reverse auction where the lowest bidder wins, which has disadvantaged small providers and high-cost areas where it is more expensive to build out broadband infrastructure. The Eliminate the Digital Divide Act (S.922) will create a clear process to distribute funds directly to states based on their proportion of unserved areas, establish guidelines for the program and require the Federal Communications Commission to create an online platform for consumers to learn more about and determine if they are eligible to receive internet subsidies. The Eliminate the Digital Divide Act will also:

  • Require the FCC to update their coverage maps to reflect the Broadband Data Act
  • Allow local and state governments to challenge the FCC maps
  • Include a $1 billion high-cost set aside for states where the cost to build broadband infrastructure is more expensive

A companion bill (H.R. 2183) was introduced in the House by Rep Roger Williams (R-TX-25)

Sens Manchin and Cornyn Reintroduce the Eliminate the Digital Divide Act Rep. Williams Fights to Bring Broadband to Rural Areas