Smithsonian TV Contract Spurs Panel To Cut Funds

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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Jacqueline Trescott]
The secrecy around the production contract between the Smithsonian Institution and CBS/Showtime Networks prompted lawmakers yesterday to cut $5.3 million from the museum's proposed budget. The House subcommittee that oversees the federal contribution to the Smithsonian's budget (that's not the official title) included language in the appropriation bill that forbids the Smithsonian to enter any new contract that would "limit access by the public to the Smithsonian collection." "This exclusive arrangement is inconsistent with a public institution that is largely financed by the American taxpayer, and it was done without any consultation with this committee," said subcommittee Chairman Charles Taylor (R-NC). Rep. David R. Obey (D-WI), the ranking minority member of the full House Appropriations Committee, said the Showtime controversy is another sign of missteps by Smithsonian Secretary Lawrence Small. "I found him through the years to be as crassly commercial as anybody in town," Obey said. "No matter what Mr. Small is paid, and he is paid an exorbitant rate for someone running a public institution, he does not have the right to virtually sell the Smithsonian collections." According to the Smithsonian's 2003 tax return, the latest one available to the public, Small earned $813,000, including a housing allowance.
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Smithsonian TV Contract Spurs Panel To Cut Funds