The Snapchat Elections Begin With Bernie, Hillary and Jeb
July 19, 2015
In 2008, it was the Google election. 2012 was Twitter’s turn as the campaign centerpiece. Facebook populism rang in the ’14 midterms. And now, as 2016 approaches, prepare for the presidential politics of Snapchat.
Enter Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT). He made his debut on the mobile app (though judging from his expression, he doesn’t look entirely comfortable with the medium yet). Politicians since time immemorial have done their glad-handing where the voters are. And the young voters are on Snapchat. Sen Sanders is following behind Hillary Clinton and John Ellis Bush, both of whom have made cameos in Snapchat’s “2016” curated stories since announcing their elections.
The Snapchat Elections Begin With Bernie, Hillary and Jeb