Snapchat got more than 400 government user data requests

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Snapchat has released its first transparency report cataloging requests for user data information from law enforcement. Overall, the photo messaging app received 403 government requests for user information -- 375 from US law enforcement and 28 from other international governments. The company says that in July it will begin issuing a full report every six months, but "in the interest of transparency, we figured why wait until we had a full six months of data before publishing our first Transparency Report."

This early report covers requests received from Nov. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015. Among the US requests, most were search warrants (172) and subpeonas (159). Snapchat complied with requests 92 percent of the time. That's a higher compliance rate with requests from the US government than other tech companies have reported recently: Google (84 percent), Twitter (80 percent) and Facebook (79 percent).

Snapchat got more than 400 government user data requests