Sorting through the noise of Election '06

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[SOURCE: C-Net|, AUTHOR: Kim Patrick Kobza, Neighborhood America]
[Commentary] Web 2.0 technological innovations transcend geographical and socioeconomic boundaries, allow for instant engagement and bi-directional communication in a secure, structured Web-based environment. But why are these new interactive technologies not ubiquitous across the political landscape? While blogs, e-mail and social network sites may have an influence on citizen expectations, they do not provide the structure necessary to meet public comment standards. Lack of structure, accountability and security issues associated with most forms of social networks -- the MySpaces of the world -- are a big part of the problem. Technologies that are designed for entertainment and social networking do not necessarily support constructive dialogue and informed decision-making. While blogs, e-mail and social network sites may have an influence on citizen expectations, they do not provide the structure necessary to meet public comment standards.

Sorting through the noise of Election '06