SpaceX Wields Power Over Satellite Rivals to Boost Starlink

SpaceX has used its position as the world’s primary rocket launcher to push rival satellite operators to share wireless airwaves, showing how the company can flex its power in one area to benefit another part of its business. Apparently, SpaceX asked companies such as Kepler Communications and OneWeb to share their so-called spectrum rights with its Starlink broadband-internet business before agreeing to launch their equipment into orbit. Obtaining agreements to share spectrum is important for Starlink to provide clear links to its more than four million users as it expands service in markets around the world. Attorneys from one law firm, Wilson Sonsini, met with the Justice Department’s antitrust division in recent months to bring attention to these arrangements on behalf of some satellite and rocket companies. The goal was to discuss whether SpaceX is abusing its market power.

SpaceX Wields Power Over Satellite Rivals to Boost Starlink