Spectrum, Kids TV High On FCC's Agenda
In the main 2009 legislation to jump-start the ailing economy, Congress directed the Federal Communications Commission to recommend a first-ever comprehensive National Broadband Plan to Congress by Feb. 17, 2010. As a result, development of the plan has been the main focus of the new FCC headed since June 29 by Chairman Julius Genachowski. Indicators of this broadband focus include, so far, more than two dozen proceedings soliciting public comment and about 40 workshops and hearings where expert witnesses have testified on a wide range of broadband-related topics, all to inform the commissioners and FCC staff who will develop and present the plan 10 weeks from now. Either as part of the wide-ranging broadband activity or in addition to it, the FCC has several open proceedings focusing on aspects of TV broadcasting: 1) Relinquishing of TV Broadcast Spectrum for Wireless Broadband Uses and 2) Empowering Parents and Protecting Children in an Evolving Media Landscape.
Spectrum, Kids TV High On FCC's Agenda