Sprint and AT&T settle lawsuit over ‘blatantly misleading’ 5G E logo
AT&T and Sprint have settled a lawsuit over AT&T’s “5G Evolution” branding, which Sprint claimed was fooling customers into believing its 4G LTE network was a full-fledged 5G network. “We have amicably settled this matter,” an AT&T spokesperson said. Apparently, AT&T will keep using “5G E” in its marketing material. Earlier in 2019, AT&T started displaying a “5G E” logo on certain upgraded parts of its LTE network. The phones weren’t actually connecting to 5G networks, and the move was roundly derided: T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint all criticized AT&T’s new logo, with Sprint’s CTO claiming it was “blatantly misleading consumers.” A month later, Sprint sued AT&T for false advertising, citing a survey where more than half of participants (incorrectly) said AT&T’s 5G E network had comparable speeds to real 5G.
Sprint and AT&T settle lawsuit over ‘blatantly misleading’ 5G E logo