States Want More Say In Broadband Stimulus
Regulators from the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) will be in Washington later this month to urge that states be given the responsibility of using federal funds to be earmarked for broadband deployment. The group, whose members come from state government agency regulators, will meet in Washington beginning Feb. 15, and the regulators are expected to press their requests at the time. The Obama administration has listed stepped-up deployment of broadband as an important part of its plan to help the economy. NARUC president Frederick Butler of New Jersey has asked Congress to ensure that states "play a lead role" in the deployment of broadband infrastructure investments. Noting that "states have every incentive to make certain the money is not wasted," Butler added that "states can assure efficient utilization and targeting of stimulus monies."
States Want More Say In Broadband Stimulus