Stevens, Barton Ready DTV, Telco Bills

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I've been writing this all year, but I really mean it this time -- Senate Commerce Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) said that he plans to circulate draft legislation among senators this week to expedite the transition to digital television. "We're moving forward," Sen Stevens said, adding that "a couple of items" in the draft still must be resolved. He said he plans to meet individually with some senators over the next couple of days to try to settle those issues, and possibly discuss some broader telecommunications issues. But he has not decided on a timeframe for introducing a DTV bill or moving it through his committee. "We're going to look for the best vehicle we can get, and get it enacted," he said. Meanwhile, on the other side of Capitol Hill, industry sources said that House Commerce Chairman Joe Barton (R-TX) and Energy and Commerce ranking member John Dingell (D-MI) are "in 80% agreement" on comprehensive telecom reform legislation, and that the legislators plan to release the draft this week -- before the House panel deals with DTV legislation. The Barton-Dingell telecom reform legislation would offer further deregulation to the Bell operating companies, cable companies and Internet telephone providers -- as well as impose a requirement of "network neutrality," according to industry and congressional sources. It is expected to allow Bell companies to obtain national video franchises if they pay fees to local communities.
[SOURCE: Congress Daily, AUTHOR: Molly M. Peterson and Drew Clark]
* Debate Continues Over Analog Cutoff

Stevens, Barton Ready DTV, Telco Bills