Study shows consumers' interest in municipal broadband

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A study conducted by the Broadband Research Team about municipal broadband found a growing number of US residents are excited about the prospect of internet service as a utility. As interest in public broadband increases, it will be interesting to follow along with potential increases in pressure placed on local politicians to push for public internet. The study found:

  • 40.2 percent of consumers said they would consider immediately switching to municipal broadband if it was made available in their city.
  • 10.9 percent of consumers said they would definitely make the switch, 29.3 percent said they would at least try it out.
  • 59.8 percent said they prefer their current provider.

Anytime a major city attempts to push municipal broadband, there is pushback from major internet service providers (ISPs) who view the expansion of the internet as a utility as a threat to their businesses. However, these are the highest numbersseen surrounding a willingness to switch to municipal service. It seems likely that over time as connection to the internet becomes as valuable as water or electrical service that more local municipalities will make sure their residents have such access. A common solution as of now is a hybrid version of municipal broadband through cooperatives.

Study: 40.2% of consumers would consider switching to municipal broadband if made available